The impact of independent community archives

Case no. 1

Case no. 1 - German Minority Research Center (Opole)

(Polish: Centrum Badań Mniejszości Niemieckiej, German: Forschungszentrum der Deutschen Minderheit)

In August 2024, the Primary Investigator, Dr. Magdalena Wiśniewska-Drewniak, visited the German Minority Research Center located in Opole - an NGO working for the German minority in Poland. The Center's activities are focused on two scopes - the research scope (various research activities on the subject of Germans in Poland) and the archival scope (which consists of documenting the history of the German minority in Poland, with particular emphasis on its organizing in the 1980s and after the 1989/1990 political turn).

During the visit, Dr. Wiśniewska-Drewniak conducted a total of more than 7 hours of interviews with people who co-founded the archive and those associated with it. She also visited the archive's closest partner, the Documentation and Exhibition Center for Germans in Poland, and took part in the annual seminar-meeting for those associated with the archive, which this time took place in Bielsko-Biała.

All of this was possible thanks to the Center's great openness and commitment to the project, as well as the time given by the interviewees, especially the commitment of Ms. Ewa Czeczor - then head of the German Minority Research Center Archives.

German Minority Research Center’s website:

German Minority Research Center on Facebook:

A research report describing the Archives of the German Minority Research Center, authored by M. Wiśniewska-Drewniak:

The impact of independent community archives